Tag: podcasting

Twin Cities Podcast Recording Studio - Uptown, Minneapolis

Podcasting 101: The ONE Word You Should NEVER Use

Did all the people who knew this rule die and never shared? Perhaps the blame should be put on the producers, editors, someone…ANYONE who knows “Broadcasting 101,” because I’ve been hearing this word being used by podcasters, major network tv anchors, the local weatherman, late-night TV hosts, on the radio, and the list goes on. Are…
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Dave Swerdlick of Kid Friday shares how he go into Podcasting in 2007

Podcasting Since 2007 – Storytelling – Watch this Video on how it all Happened

What started out as a family project, turned into a revenue generating podcast. Starting In 2007! Literally – heard around the world.  I’ve been fortunate to have success in Podcasting, and with numbers to back it up. The video below is from the “Kid Friday” Podcast. A bit too busy to keep it up as…
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Twin Cities Podcast Recording Studio - Uptown, Minneapolis

Want YOUR Podcast on the Apple Podcasts Charts? Here’s One Way.

One Great Tip To Help Get YOUR Podcast Featured on Apple Podcasts / iTunes. By; Dave Swerdlick – Uptown Podcast Studios When it comes to the big game in podcasting, Apple still leads the pack. That’s a good thing, because everyone else who was a little late to the game took cues from Apple on…
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