Podcasting Since 2007 – Storytelling – Watch this Video on how it all Happened

Dave Swerdlick of Kid Friday shares how he go into Podcasting in 2007

What started out as a family project, turned into a revenue generating podcast. Starting In 2007!

Literally – heard around the world. 

I’ve been fortunate to have success in Podcasting, and with numbers to back it up. The video below is from the “Kid Friday” Podcast. A bit too busy to keep it up as my companies “Uptown Podcast Studios” and “StoryCub” Kids – Video Picture Books is keeping me very busy. In a Good way. No. In a GREAT way!

Watch the video and you’ll learn all about it. However I’ll let you know this:

• The intention of starting a Podcast was simply a “Family Project”. (I have a broadcast background and have been know to be a bit “tech-savvy”.)

• The subject of the Podcast was completely up to my 6 and 8-year old daughters.

• After 110 episodes of our original podcast, their interests changed. Hannah and Zoe wanted to start a new podcast and focus on tech for kids. Another hit! Who Knew?

During this period, Apple and Podcasting were synonymous. Everyone else were all in the back seat, too far behind to even see. Most didn’t even offer podcast distribution.

When I started to Podcast back in 2007, 99% of my friends and colleagues I shared this with, seemed to ask the same two questions, followed by the third bullet point below:

• What’s a Podcast?

• How do I get it?

• I don’t understand. You’re doing what? How do to listen to it?

Watch the video and you’ll see some of the coverage we received from traditional newspapers (that were published on “paper”) and TV.

I share a story about about my young kids being guests on a LIVE television program and how it came down to the wire! You’ll actually get to see it.

A story about our “Family Podcast was published in the local Minneapolis “Star-Tribune” newspaper, and our second podcast success was picked up by multiple outlets across the country. Suddenly, we were featured in the the Washington Post – Kid Friday Podcast Seattle Times – Kid Friday Podcast, Portland Patch and others.

It’s interesting how traditional media played a role in introducing Digital to a whole new audience.

All of this, during a crucial time when these same publications weren’t ready to make a true commitment to invest in Digital and start a real pivot.

Example: Back in the day, not that long ago, if you wanted to sell your used car, you’d pay the local newspaper for an ad. Craigslist was the real killer.

If you want to buy or sell a house, Why use a realtor? Just askin’.

Hope you enjoy.