Kidblog Founder and CEO Matt Hardy – EdNorth EdTech Podcast

Fielding International Partner Randall Fielding

From elementary school teacher to an entrepreneur EdTech success.

Teachers in over 70 countries trust Kidblog to share student writing with a real audience.

Kidblog provides K-12 teachers with tools to safely publish student writing. Teachers can monitor all activity within a community of authors. Posts can even be public, but nothing goes live until a teacher approves it.
This empowers students to write with a meaningful purpose for a real audience. Connect with other classes down the hallway, across your district, or around the world. Students practice digital citizenship within a secure environment.
Listen and Subscribe on Your Favorite Player. About EdNorth: EdNorth is a Minnesota non-profit organization which supports entrepreneurship and innovation in the education and training sectors. Building on our region’s rich legacy of innovation in education, we focus on supporting education entrepreneurs by providing regular networking, collaboration and learning opportunities, as well as helping strengthen our local educational entrepreneurial ecosystem and connecting it with our broader business, investment and academic communities. If you’re in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis / St, Paul, Minnesota, be sure to check out our calendar of events and join in on the conversation. You can find all the details at: The EdNorth Podcast is produced by Uptown Podcast Studios – Minneapolis, MN. Original theme music written and performed by Dave Swerdlick ©MMXIX Used by permission. ©MMXX – All Rights Reserved – For Personal Use Only.

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