Fielding International Founding Partner Randy Fielding – EdNorth EdTech Podcast

Fielding International Partner Randall Fielding

Designing Schools Across the World

Randall (Randy) Fielding , founding partner at Fielding International is our guest on the EdNorth EdTech Podcast.Transforming Education by Design, Fielding International is an award-winning, global leader in education planning and architectural design. Previously known as Fielding Nair International (FNI), Fielding builds and renovates school facilities for today and tomorrow with one primary goal in mind — to improve learning. They help our school clients vision and build innovative Learning Communities, Maker Spaces and iLabs that support student-directed learning.

$10 Billion Worth of School Work on over $10 billion worth of schools over the last 17 years. 15+ International Awards: Schools that Fielding International has planned and/or designed have won multiple international planning and design awards for excellence. These awards recognize not just quality architecture, but vastly improved educational outcomes as well. Click here for samples of their award-winning work.

EdNorth is a Minnesota non-profit organization which supports entrepreneurship and innovation in the education and training sectors. Building on our region’s rich legacy of innovation in education, we focus on supporting education entrepreneurs by providing regular networking, collaboration and learning opportunities, as well as helping strengthen our local educational entrepreneurial ecosystem and connecting it with our broader business, investment and academic communities.

If you’re in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis / St, Paul, Minnesota, be sure to check out our calendar of events and join in on the conversation. You can find all the details at: 

The EdNorth Podcast is produced by Uptown Podcast Studios  – Minneapolis, MN. 

Original theme music written and performed by Dave Swerdlick ©MMXIX Used by permission

©MMXX – All Rights Reserved – For Personal Use Only.

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